Saturday, November 21, 2020

Pres Nelson's Gratitude Challenge 2020

 Hello my sweet son,

President Nelson asked us to write a gratitude journal this week on social media. This is the most social media I get: Youtube, blogger, Pinterest, and that's it. Being that I can't really post things on youtube, I decided to go for a blog. It won't be seen by many, but hopefully it will be seen by you in a time you need to see it.

You are my treasure, sweet boy. I still remember how excited I was that you were coming to our family. Your sweet spirit has been such a joy. As a baby you were loving and chubby. You loved balls, hair and your thumb. As you grew, few things changed. You loved to be Inside-Out-Backwards-Boy, setting a trend in your first grade classroom. Miss Demi Andrews was your teacher. Do you remember her? She was from Florida and she was a great teacher. You loved weapons (agh!) and gloves. 

You're 10 now and in fourth grade with Ms Balestrini and Ms Brown at Aristoi Classical Academy. You have a therapist that we love named Ms Francis Cook. You have uncontrollably strong rage, but you are trying so hard to reign it in. 

You are loved. Whether raging or not. You are loved. By so many people. The list is too long to compile, but I hope you feel it. Not only from your Momma, but from friends, cousins, grandparents, aunts and uncles, Daddy, and GOD. You one of my cherished possessions that isn't really a possession, but something that I hope I watch grow forever knowing who you are---one of my own.

Thank you for being my boy. Each stage of life has taught me more about what God does. Having children and loving them NO MATTER WHAT is a gift from God. He wants me to know what it is like to watch His children learn, make mistakes, and grow. I am learning that and my heart is full. I love you and I always will.


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