Monday, January 25, 2016

Primary Talk

Matthew’s Talk for Primary January 24, 2016
Theme: The scriptures are the word of God. I know the scriptures are true.

I know the scriptures are true.
Sing Daniel was a Prophet.

I know Daniel was a prophet because the Holy Ghost whispers into my ear that the scriptures are true.

How did he do? Well, he wore a lion hooded blanket over his shoulders. He stood up straight and tall, forgot all his lines so the primary president came and read the first line into his ear. He turned into the microphone and practically ate it to say his line. Then, when he sang the song, it was so loud because he was eating that microphone, there were kiddos in the room that put their hands over their ears. It was absolutely adorable. 

Thank you for sharing your testimony, dude! We love you! Good work.